Disaster Preparedness Commitee:  Submitted by Carol Dixon

The committee had a table at Nelson's Market on Neighborhood Night Out.  A few showed  interest in becoming a Block Captain for Disaster Preparedness, but many more are needed to implement the plan.

We will also have a table at the September picnic where we hope to pick up some more interest.  The Red Cross will provide a representative and we are also looking at what else the Red Cross might have available to spark interest in promoting the DP program.  We are also contacting the Office of Emergency Management for a representative.

Poster sized maps of all neighborhoods are now available from the COB Office of Emergency Management on which we can keep track of streets mapped.

The COB will hold their Train-the-Trainer program  on Thursday, September 27 at 6:30pm -8:30 pm for those interest in becoming block captains.